Sunday, July 12, 2009

Happy Birthday My Little Girl...

Assalamu'alaikum & hi...

2nd July baru2 ni, my 1st child dah masuk umur 5 tahun.... dah besar rupa2nya my baby girl. A day before, Mama dia belikan dia CD lagu from Hana Montana the movie.... she loves the song so much.... a week before, she watched the movie with her Mama....

On her birthday, dia sibuk sekali bagitau her teachers, that TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY.... kesian jugak sebab tak prepare apa2 untuk dia... and some more, I was very busy with my work at that time... and on the 3rd - 5th, kena pergi Team Building di PD..... discussed with Mama, and we decided to postpone the celebration... till I come back from Team Building....

On the 5th morning, I received a photo message from Mama... gambar cake Najla'.... wah!! Cantik and look very delicious.... tak sabar rasanya nak balik to celebrate the day with my family.... tapi nak buat macamana, program will end pukul 530PM... kalau terus balik ke rumah, okay la... tapi kalau tuan punya kereta nak stay kat PD dulu for another few hours???? Hope for the best je lah.....

Luckily, Mazlan (tuan punya kereta aka VP Sales & Mktg), tak de nak kemana - mana after the program... so straight from PD, dia hantar balik ke Lestari Putra... just singgah minum kejap after Bdr Salak Tinggi....

Sampai je rumah.... tak payah tunggu lama.... terus mulakan upacara.... bukannya apa, takut2 bebudak ni nak tidur.... FYI, bebudak ni sekarang ni jarang betul tidur lambat. Lambat2pun pukul 10PM dah tidur.... selalumya pukul 9PM semua dah tidur termasuklah Mama & Papa.... kalau ada kerja nak buat, bangun semula lepas tu....

So, after short celebration.... nyanyi2 sikit... terus potong cake and MAKANNNN.... thanks Mama... cake tu memang best!!!

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